osgood optimized

Is your kid complaining of front knee pain? Can you see a bump just below front of knee joint?

If yes, then your kid might be suffering from a condition called, Osgood-Schlatter disease. This is a condition, also known as tibial tubercle apophysitis, usually occurs in children up to age of 16. A tibial tubercle is an upper part of tibia (shin bone), where quadriceps muscle attaches through patellar tendon. An excessive strain or stress on this part and/or abnormal pulling of patellar tendon may cause repetitive traction of patellar tendon on a bone and a growth plate underneath, causing inflammation of growth plate. In some cases, it develops without apparent reason; however, children who play vigorous sports, and do lot of running and jumping are at increased risk of developing this problem. However, less active adolescents may also experience this problem. Children with this condition often presents with tightness and weakness of muscles around the knee joint. This muscle imbalance causes unnecessary extra strain and stress at growth plate and may further aggravate the problem. The common symptoms usually includes pain, swelling at front of the knee joint, difficulty in running, jumping, prolonged walking,  squatting, stair climbing etc.

The common treatment for this problem includes use of anti-inflammatory medicines, rest, staying away from vigorous activities and sports until the condition resolves, use of knee brace, and most importantly physiotherapy treatment. Our physiotherapist will perform thorough assessment and formulate personalised exercise program for your kid including mobility, stretching and muscle strengthening exercise to restore muscle imbalance. Ultra sound therapy and laser therapy are also effective treatment strategies to relieve pain and inflammation at front of knee joint.

Written by: Vishal Patel, Physiotherapist

  • vishal

    Vishal Patel is a registered physiotherapist in good standing with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario, Canada. After completing his bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy from India in 2008, he worked in orthopedic and spine surgery hospital as a clinical physiotherapist. Believing strongly in continuing education, he went to England in 2009 to pursue his master’s degree from Sheffield Hallam University, where he specialized in orthopedic physiotherapy field. While pursuing post graduate studies, he developed thorough knowledge in evidence-based practice and importance of research into routine clinical practice. He strongly believes in hands on approach and uses variety of manual therapy skills including joint mobilizations, soft tissue release, cupping therapy, exercises prescription while rendering physiotherapy treatment to his patients. His clinical expertise includes treating various musculoskeletal conditions, pre & post-operative orthopedic surgeries and sports related injuries, TMJ dysfunctions and concussion rehabilitation. He is rostered with The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario to perform acupuncture and dry needling. As a part of continuous professional development, he is planning to take on courses on orthopedic manipulative techniques, and vestibular rehabilitation to further enhance his skills.

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